Saturday, July 11, 2009

Meet Ms.Vintage

I am excited to introduce our debut Esty-Mompreneur, Rebecca, aka Ms.Vintage of The.Vintage.Blog. Rebecca is a personal & close friend of mine, and I was absolutely thrilled that she found time to take time away from her demanding day of chasing around her three little boys & simultaneously running her successful Etsy shops to answer my many questions. Rebecca is bubbling over with inspiring tips on growing a thriving Etsy business while taking care of an endless list of tasks as a stay at home mom.

Describe your Etsy shop: well, i actually have two--The Vintage Closet { fashion that transcends the decades } & The Vintage Dress { EXQUISITE vintage dresses }

"in my dress shop i am CRAZY about this wedding dress..."

How many children do you have and what are their ages?
3 beautiful, enegetic, fun boys! harrison: 6, jefferson (jj):4, & edison (eddie): 2

How long have you been an Etsy Mom?
since january 2008

What did you do before becoming a WAHM?
My boys were VERY young & close in age, which pretty much took up all my time, so I was just a SAHM.

harrison: 6, jefferson (jj):4, & edison (eddie): 2

What inspired you to start your Etsy shop and how long have you been running it?

I have always had a passion for VINTAGE & thus frequented local thrift shops for myself, a friend thought of me when they discovered etsy & turned me onto the site and suggested that I sell some of the amazing finds that I come across, but might not want for myself.

Do you currently have any other at home businesses?
Hmmmmm......well, 3 small boys, homeschooling, church & Etsy pretty much keep me busy enough...
but it seems that my head is FULL of money making ideas & my goal is to one day hire on my husband, so that he came be home with us all day, everyday!!!

Of which item currently for sale in your Etsy shop are you most proud and why?
n my dress shop I am CRAZY about this wedding dress
: It is simple, yet STUNNING & you can feel the rich, history of it when you are both in the same room!

Which item in your shop is the best reflection of your personal style?
I am very much a hat person & this season I have been wearing a straw fedora, so this listing pretty much reflects my style.


More to come! In our next post with Ms.Vintage she will share her insider tips on Etsying & Mothering.